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What Is Business Therapy?

One Of Most Impactful Services A Business Owner Can Receive For Their Company


Been To The Doctor Lately?

Let's assume you sense a unusual feeling in your throat or having an annoying cough that won't go away. After arriving at the doctor's office and being escorted to the private room, the physician comes in to check your throat. Why? Because you indicated that symptom is what was bothering you.

As true as that may be, does the doctor stop with just assessing your mouth? Of course not. Why else do they check? Your blood pressure, heart rate, mobility in your limbs- a full analysis of your body, right?

In similar fashion, our team discusses the symptom that brought to our office, while also completing a Business Health Screening. Why? Because, we want to analyze the whole anatomy of your business to grade the health of the company.


We Care About Solving The Root Challenge.

No one currently calls us saying they need Business Therapy. Reason being, it's a very novel term. 

However, they do reach out to have our team design their business cards, logos, and various marketing materials. 

And that's perfectly fine by us.

It's not your job to explain the root challenge. We simply build off of the goals, desires, and vision of the leadership and match that with the current state of the company. Then, we design all of the appropriate marketing needed to execute. 


Is A Business Therapy Session Worth The Investment?

Take A Look At What Your $750.00 Investment Will Provide You In Return

Business Profile Assessment & Report Analysis

Business Health Screening

A Comprehensive Branding Audit & Report

A Full Diagnosis & Treatment Plan Recommendation

A Target Audience Assessment & Report

A Business Elevator Pitch Assessment

Product/Service Pricing Assessment

Good, Better, & Best Package Audit & Recommendations

Domain, Website, & Business Email Audit

Social Media Visibility Audit & Recommendations

Client Intake & Onboarding Process Assessment

Sales, Closing, & Conversion Assessment

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